Tuesday, 4 August 2009


Havent wrote in a few days, I guess its cause there hasnt been anything that interesting, kinda feels like filler episodes in an anime. Well on Saturday went to gym with Shawn and after gym we were about to go to a Taiwanese place to eat but then it was closed... so we went Mentatz. On Sunday, after shopping at Pak'n'save, found out got locked outside since we forgot to bring keys so we went to Raycher's house to kill some time, playing on his xbox. Yesterday Matlab lab was mind-blasting! I just finished at 2 hours and that was cause Jason helped me. Today after 12, Jerrell, Ben and I wanted to go play pool but when we got there, we realised it opens at 1 so we went to Imax arcade to kill some time. We had a 3 way link basketball shoot out and I was the winner :) and got a free game. At 1, went back to play pool, I realised that Jerrell and I had gotten a lot better since we started lol. Near 2 I had to rush back to Internation Business by myself cause Jerrell decided to wag (that fag). The lecture's joke of the day was getting Fiji to behave by stopping trade with them and they wont be able to do anything but to throw coconuts at NZ. LOL Last Thursday, the Joke was USA put regulations on imports and exports, like they'll say to Africa we'll accept your tribal sticks and witchdoctor's masks but not other things. This lecturer will make us laugh at least once during every lecture. Anyway today the fire alarm went off so we got released early.

Thoughts on anime: Naruto was awesome last week, one of the best episode I've seen in a long time, the story about how Kakashi got his Sharingan. They should've put the Sadness and Sorrow theme to go with it. Bleach started a new filler season, about some dude who can control Zanpakutous, looks quite interesting but they should really get on with the main story. New Fullmetal Alchemist, basically rewatching the start of the old FMA, havent seen any new stuff yet, they did change some parts to the story though.

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