Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Laptop lost but recovered!

Yesterday I decided to bring my laptop to uni since I had both matlab and chemmat test. Studied at engineering library with the crew between 12-2 for chemmat. Everyone was telling me to take the protective plastic off because it looks ugly but I believe dust is of greater concern than looks, so the plastic stays! Then at 2, went for the matlab test, it was fairly easy I reckon also finished lab6 before the 2 hours was up.

Afterwards I went to the general library (Jerrell calls it the hyperbolic time chamber from DBZ, cause whenever I emerge from it, I become stronger; knowledge-wise). I wanted to study at the 6th level because I like the scenery from up there but it was full... Went down to 5th, it was full... Finally found a seat in 4th. There I did the chemmat sample test.

After studying, got hungry so went to bought $2 chips, the line was long, like 10 people wanted $2 chips. The glasses lady seemed really tired, must've been a long day for her, everybody ordering $2 chips lol. Visited the crew afterwards then we all went to our separate test rooms, Sam was with me, in MLT3. The chemmat test was fairly straightforward I thought, some people said it was really confusing, it was either I did it completely wrong or I'm genius(in guessing).

After the test, we met up with Jerrell and Ming and went to Wendys. It was after ordering the meal and taking off my bag did I notice that I was not carrying the extra load. So I ran back to MLT3 and it was not there. My guess was the people who supervised the exam had taken it but I was still not sure, it was at that time I knew exactly how Jerrell felt when he lost his ipod. Later, went home and sent email to the chemmat lecturer and lost property. I had nothing to do that night, was in no mood for studying so I went to sleep at 10:30. During sleep I kept dreaming various consequences for my laptop.

Today, first thing upon arriving at uni, open webmail and check and GG the chemmat office had my laptop. Went to retrieve it on the 8th floor at lunch time. I dont know what I would have done if my laptop was lost. Everything is in it, games, music, movies, assignments, anime, unimaginable. Anyway just found out today that my International Business test was worth 30% and it has only 4 questions! Have electrical test tomorrow but should be fine for that.

My dad sent me this today, its rather interesting.

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