Monday, 10 August 2009

Starting to get busy

School works are starting to pick up, for the next 2 weeks I'll be working on a project on Matlab, just did task 1, was having fun testing different frequencies :P 131 labs are like impossible to finish now, having trouble with the last task, how the hell do you write the script to change the colour of a pixel to grey while checking if its blue ==. Going to have a chemmat lab this Friday and an electrical one next Wednesday. Still gotta revise chemmat and read the international business book ><
Watched a random episode of Bleach today and coincidently it was the episode which has what i think the best screenshot of Ichigo's expression in the entire anime. I remember I used it as my MSN display picture last year, well Im using it again cause its just so cool, it's a mix of pity, smile and sadness, just ownage XD

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