Thursday, 27 August 2009

Sherman's Birthday

Today's electrical was fairly easy although the lecturer said this is the hardest thing. Chemmat was insane, I was so busy taking down notes because she changed them really fast and her handwriting was hard to read that I didnt hear anything she said. Met up with Jerrell and David for lunch then went to engineering library to study for international business. It was really efficient study in my opinion because we were all contributing ideas and explaining things to each other and trying to remember what the lecturer said about various things. The test's content was alright I thought but I needed more time. I was confused for the first 5 mins too. It had random mixed country names like Chiwan, Zeatralia and New Ausland. I gave it my best but I dont think the result will be good.

Went to play basketball afterwards while waiting for Sherman to finish his chemmat lab. Jerrell and I were just shooting around when 'Ray Allen' said ok guys lets start. He assumed we were playing without even asking, wtf? But we joined in anyway. Fairly good game it was, Jerrell was sinking more shots than usual (I did come up with some random shooting routine and he just followed it lol). I reckon they underestimated us because we were first years, although they won by 1, it was only because I was too lazy to defend, not in term of skills.

Then we went to play pool for Sherman's birthday. Due to unexpected bball game, I didnt get him anything but I'll get something for him later on. Sherman and I kept mis-hit our ball, especially him when he was breaking, one time he missed 5 times in a row lol. After pool, we went and got dinner at Imax and chilled. Sherman went to his birthday dinner with his parents.

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