Saturday, 8 August 2009

Pool tournament

It's only afternoon but Im already writing since it was a fun morning. So I had to get up at 8 today because we had to get there at 9. The tournament was at Newmarket, at a Tenpin Bowling & Pool place. Just before the tournament started, everyone was practising and guess who I saw, Richard Lin! (for those who dont know who he is, he is our Auckland uni lecturer for design) When round 1 began, guess who my opponent was? RICHARD LIN LOL. It was best out of 3 rounds, during our rounds I made some skilled shots, I was good with aiming, slicing, tapping the ball while hes really good at hitting those fast, long range shots. In end, he won twice, I was always one ball or one shot behind. My round 2 was against this old dude, Im guessing around his 40-50s, he was just as accurate as Richard Lin if not better so first match I lost by heaps. His breaks were really sht, he basically planned it so I had hardly any good shots. Luckily during the 2nd match, he accidently hit the black ball in. 3rd match I was playing my usual, I was winning too but then I missed a long range hit to the black ball and that caused me my lost. At the prize giving I found out the old dude won the tournament... To think that I could've finished him off but I didnt, just makes me regret...
Afterwards I met Hank, a TGS friend, form 7 now, he was there for the tenpin bowling tournament. Played a game of time crisis then I left since I wasnt going to play tenpin bowling. I walked out of the building and had no idea where the hell I was so I just walked around, found a bus stop and got on the first bus that came LOL Luckily it stopped at Auckland uni otherwise I would've end up who knows where.
After this tournament, my interest in pool just got greater, from now on every game I play, it will be training for me.

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