Saturday, 22 August 2009

Busy week next week

Next week is going to be test week, going to have tests for all my subjects, whats worse matlab and chemmat are going to be on the same day, Monday >< Matlab shouldnt be too hard since it is only half an hour and its exactly the same as Peerwise but chemmat... It feels like its biology in high school or 140 last semester except this time its worse since our coursebook has got hardly any texts explaining, all we did are diagrams and graphs and random notes at the side. Got electrical test on Wednesday, should be ok, most of the stuff are pretty easy. International business on Thursday, dunnno how Im going to study for that... might get Jerrell and David together and just talk about it.

Received some suggestions about creating more paragraphs lol, I'll try remember doing it. Now on to games, right now I am just waiting to try Aion open beta. Aion is another mmorpg created by NCsoft (the ones who made Lineage2). There are quite promising expectations from this game, the graphic is like next level of l2, heard from Jason and Shimeen the gameplay is like combining wow and l2 together. I am really keen to try some official mmorpg since I've been playing private servers for a while now. Need Aion, open beta!

Aion official website - English
Aion official website - Taiwan (more flash)

On l2 I've just been doing events and farming moonstone shards, I'm getting better at events, getting more kills and my timing for stun and hp skills are getting more precise. The clan Im with now have been busy lately, going on a lot of raids to get clan skill items so now I have 2 clan skills, might and body. This clan seems like a good one, people are working together to make the clan better however I dont have the time to get involve with them right now.

I will post my current favourite english song:

Kevin Rudolf - Let It Rock

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