Saturday, 29 August 2009

Freedom, holiday and Eureka 7 songs

Finally freedom time! Yesterday Peter did an extreme trick for the last matlab lecture. He juggled knives while riding a tall unicycle. Saw lots of people filming it so its probably already on youtube now. Played some pool in the afternoon just to celebrate the end of uni. Then went home and worked on the matlab project. After a few hours of battle, I have triumphed.

Today, I went to the Career's Day in uni. Sherman came to my house and we took the bus to get there. It was basically like last year, we met up with Ming then went to the mechatronics lecture since it is one of the course Im leaning towards to. We went to 1.401 then realised it was just a live feed projection from the other room, we didnt want to stare at the projection screen so we tried going to the mechanics lecture room. We arrived at the door and the security dudes wouldnt allow us in, claiming its full already so we went back to the first room lol. After mechatronics it was electrical. I dont know if I should do electrical or mechatronics next year but at least I have narrowed it down, just have to ask a few opinions.

Went to have lunch after the lectures. First we wanted to go to Mentatz but its closed... so we went to the Jap restaurant thats above the Atrium and that was closed... so we just got a whole pizza at the bottom of the Atrium and shared. I reckon we should've just got Dominoes, it would've been much cheaper and more filling but oh well.

I'm gonna leave here openings and endings from Eureka 7 which I thought were good.

Favourite - 1st opening, Flow - Days

2nd - 4th ending, Canvas - Coolon

Rest - 2nd opening, Shounen's Heart - Home Made Kazoku & 3rd ending, Tip Taps Tip

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