Sunday, 16 August 2009

Once and music

I realised that it is only 2 weeks until the holidays! This is why i like uni better than high school, the term is shorter and more freedom to do what you want. I've been playing a lot of pool this week, 3 days in a row in fact, trying to practise aiming and stronger shots. Other than pool this week was rather dull.

Three good things happened today. First on L2, I finally bought Vesper jewels so now I should be tanker against mages and they wont kill me in like 5 hits.... Second, finally finished task 2 for the matlab project! It was hard when i started it but now i looked back and it seemed easy, just had a few tricky bits. Thanks to Ming for sorting the tricky bit out.

Last, I watched the movie Once just then. I had no idea what the movie was about nor have I heard of it but after watching it, I was like :O wow. I dont really want to give spoilers but I'll give some general info. This movie is all about music, you will hear a lot of songs when you watch it and its not just themes, they are all 3-4 mins full songs with lyrics. I only recommend watching this movie when you are at peace and understand music otherwise you will probably be bored. What I mean by understand music is you can tell if a song is good music or not. To me, the top 10 popular songs does not mean they are good songs, I reckon about 80% of the music these days are shit. Its not because they are all rap or rock or pop and I like soft songs with passion, I actually hate soft songs because they are so boring to listen to. To me, good music can not really be described by words, the beat, melody or the singer's voice can vary but when they fall together nicely, you just know that it is a good song.

Anyway, here are two songs from the movie I think its good. WARNING SPOILERS dont watch it if you want to hear the song while watching the movie.

Falling Slowly

When Your Mind's Made Up

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